
Tribikram Pradhan

Research Scholar

Deogarh, Orissa, India




I am Tribikram Pradhan, a Ph.D student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi. I am doing my research under the guidance of Dr. Sukomal Pal at the Information retrieval lab.
Area of Intrest:- Recommender System, Social Network Analysis, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
Courses Handled:- Design and analysis of algorithms, Data Mining and Data ware Housing, Database System, Problem solving using computers, Software Engineering.
Research Description:- My current research work explores hybrid recommendation including collaborative filtering, content based filtering, semantic aware and context aware recommender system including . To investigate these problems, i am generally interested in topic oriented community detection, link prediction, learning heterogeneous bibliographic information network through citation ans co-citation analysis, question answering, summarization and other problems which can be posed as NLP and sequence to sequence tasks.



T Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, A multi-level fusion based decision support system for academic collaborator recommendation, Knowledge-Based Systems, February 2020


Tribikram Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, A hybrid personalized scholarly venue recommender system integrating social network analysis and contextual similarity, Future Generation Computer Systems, November 2019

Tribikram Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, CNAVER: A Content and Network-based Academic VEnue Recommender system, Knowledge-Based Systems, October 2019

A framework design for logical synthesis engine

International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) (Indexed in Scopus)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Pramod Kumar, Anil N S and Amit Bakshi,

A Solution For Network Life Time Problem Using Content Based Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm

International Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IJET)(Indexed in Scopus)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Ajit Kumar Sahu And Pramod Kumar

Enhancement of Turing machine to universal Turing machine and its JFLAP simulation

International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT), Volume 8 Issue 1 (Indexed in EI Compendex)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan

Implementation of Machine Part Cell Formation Algorithm in Cellular Manufacturing Technology Using Neural Networks

International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT) (Indexed in EI Compendex)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Satya Ranjan Mishra

AVL and Binary Search Tree based hybrid chaining model to enhance search speed in hashing

International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT) (Indexed in EI Compendex)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Harsh Anand, Akshay Saxena, Satya Ranjan Mishra

A computational approach of Data Smoothening and Prediction of Diabetes Dataset

The Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (Indexed in: ACM Digital Library, Scopus, springer, DBLP).

AUTHORS:Shivani Jakhmola, Tribikram Pradhan

A Rule mining Using hybrid Approaches of Rough Set Theory, Genetic algorithm and Boolen Algebra

Proceedings of the second International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, ERCICA(ELSEVIER Proceedings)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Harsh Anand, Akul Goel

An Error Detection and Correction Technique Based on Graceful Code for Data Transfer

Proceedings of the second International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, ERCICA(ELSEVIER Proceedings)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Ankit Yadav, Santosh S. Patil

Solving the 0-1 Knapsack Problem Using Genetic Algorithm and Rough Set Theory

International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies-ICACCCT(Scopus, IEEE Digital Explorer)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Akash Israni, Manish Sharma

Optimizing land use classification using decision tree approaches

International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing-ICDMIC(Scopus, IEEE Digital Explorer)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Vaibhav Walia, Rohini Kapoor, Dr. Sameer Saran

An effective way to achieve Excellence in Research based learning Using Association Rules

International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing-ICDMIC(Scopus, IEEE Digital Explorer)

AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Satya Ranjan Mishra, Veerendra Kumar Jainn

A New Approach of Controlled Binning for Data Smoothening

Michael Faraday IET International Summit (MFIIS-2015)(IET Digital Library, IEEE Digital Explorer).

AUTHORS: Shivani Jakhmola, Tribikram Pradhan

A Novel Approach For Performance Analysis And Optimal Selection Of Players In Indian Premier League Auction

Proceedings of Third International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-15)(Indexed in: Scopus, Springer and DBLP)

AUTHORS:Mayank Khandelwal, Jayant Prakash, Tribikram Pradhan

Evaluation of IPL Teams and Players using Association, Correlation and Classification Rules

Proceedings of Third International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-15) (Indexed in: IEEE Digital Explore)

AUTHORS:Jayant Prakash, Mayank Khandelwal, Tribikram Pradhan

Application of Data Mining Techniques on Heart Disease Prediction: A survey

International Conference on Computer Communication and Control (ICCCC 2015)(Indexed in: Scopus, Springer and DBLP)

AUTHORS: Ritika Chadda, Subhankar Mayank, Tribikram Pradhan


Qualified GATE three times
2011, 2012 and 2016

Merit scholarship in 1st and 3rd semester of M.Tech software technology.

Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) for Assistant Professor

Best PAPER Award

4th international Conference on science, engineering and technology (SET) Organized by VIT.
Paper Title:-Enhancement of Turing Machine to Universal Turing Machine to Recursive Enumerable Language using J-Flap Simulation.

Runner up prize in Institute Day

In poster presentation on topic "SNAVER : A social network analysis based scholarly venue recommender system."

Gold Medal in Manipal University Staff Swimming Free Styles

Silver Medal in Manipal University Staff Swimming Back Stroke & Butterfly styles

Bronze Medal in Manipal University Staff Swimming Relay Race Styles


IIT (BHU), Varanasi
Jan 2017 - Current


VIT University, Vellore
2011 - 2013


BPUT, Rourkela
2007 - 2011
