Tribikram Pradhan
Research Scholar
Deogarh, Orissa, India
I am Tribikram Pradhan, a Ph.D student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi. I am doing my research under the guidance of Dr. Sukomal Pal at the Information retrieval lab.
Area of Intrest:- Recommender System, Social Network Analysis, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
Courses Handled:- Design and analysis of algorithms, Data Mining and Data ware Housing, Database System, Problem solving using computers, Software Engineering.
Research Description:-
My current research work explores hybrid recommendation including collaborative filtering, content based filtering, semantic aware and context aware recommender system including . To investigate these problems, i am generally interested in topic oriented community detection, link prediction, learning heterogeneous bibliographic information network through citation ans co-citation analysis, question answering, summarization and other problems which can be posed as NLP and sequence to sequence tasks.
T Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, A multi-level fusion based decision support system for academic collaborator recommendation, Knowledge-Based Systems, February 2020
Tribikram Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, A hybrid personalized scholarly venue recommender system integrating social network analysis and contextual similarity, Future Generation Computer Systems, November 2019
Tribikram Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, CNAVER: A Content and Network-based Academic VEnue Recommender system, Knowledge-Based Systems, October 2019
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) (Indexed in Scopus)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Pramod Kumar, Anil N S and Amit Bakshi,
International Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IJET)(Indexed in Scopus)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Ajit Kumar Sahu And Pramod Kumar
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT), Volume 8 Issue 1 (Indexed in EI Compendex)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT) (Indexed in EI Compendex)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Satya Ranjan Mishra
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT) (Indexed in EI Compendex)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Harsh Anand, Akshay Saxena, Satya Ranjan Mishra
The Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (Indexed in: ACM Digital Library, Scopus, springer, DBLP).
AUTHORS:Shivani Jakhmola, Tribikram Pradhan
Proceedings of the second International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, ERCICA(ELSEVIER Proceedings)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Harsh Anand, Akul Goel
Proceedings of the second International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, ERCICA(ELSEVIER Proceedings)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Ankit Yadav, Santosh S. Patil
International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies-ICACCCT(Scopus, IEEE Digital Explorer)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Akash Israni, Manish Sharma
International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing-ICDMIC(Scopus, IEEE Digital Explorer)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Vaibhav Walia, Rohini Kapoor, Dr. Sameer Saran
International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing-ICDMIC(Scopus, IEEE Digital Explorer)
AUTHORS:Tribikram Pradhan, Satya Ranjan Mishra, Veerendra Kumar Jainn
Michael Faraday IET International Summit (MFIIS-2015)(IET Digital Library, IEEE Digital Explorer).
AUTHORS: Shivani Jakhmola, Tribikram Pradhan
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-15)(Indexed in: Scopus, Springer and DBLP)
AUTHORS:Mayank Khandelwal, Jayant Prakash, Tribikram Pradhan
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-15) (Indexed in: IEEE Digital Explore)
AUTHORS:Jayant Prakash, Mayank Khandelwal, Tribikram Pradhan
International Conference on Computer Communication and Control (ICCCC 2015)(Indexed in: Scopus, Springer and DBLP)
AUTHORS: Ritika Chadda, Subhankar Mayank, Tribikram Pradhan
4th international Conference on science, engineering and technology (SET) Organized by VIT.
Paper Title:-Enhancement of Turing Machine to Universal Turing Machine to Recursive Enumerable Language using J-Flap Simulation.
In poster presentation on topic "SNAVER : A social network analysis based scholarly venue recommender system."