
Dr. Sukomal Pal

Associate Professor

Varanasi, U.P., India




Research Interests
Data Mining, Information Retrieval, XML Retrieval, IR Evaluation, Natural Language Processing
Courses Taught/Teaching
Information Retrieval, Operating Systems, Advanced Operating Systems, Computer Organization, Internet Technology
Computer Programming, Probability & Statistics, Database Management Systems, Internet & Multimedia



Sukomal Pal, Sub-document level Information Retrieval: Retrieval and Evaluation, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2016-09-13), ISBN 978-3-659-94969-2

Invited Book Chapter

Sukomal Pal and Mandar Mitra, XML Retrieval: A Survey, Internet Policies and Issues. Volume 8, pp.229 - 272, B.G. Kutais (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

International Journals and Coferences

Pradeepika Verma, Anshul Verma, Sukomal Pal An approach for extractive text summarization using fuzzy evolutionary and clustering algorithms Applied Soft Computing, March 2022

Naina Yadav, Sukomal Pal, Anil Kumar Singh, Kartikey Singh Clus-DR: Cluster-based pre-trained model for diverse recommendation generation Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, March 2022

Siba Sankar Sahu, Sukomal Pal Effect of stopwords in Indian language IR Sādhanā, January 2022

Pradeepika Verma, Anshul Verma, Sukomal Pal A fusion of variants of sentence scoring methods and collaborative word rankings for document summarization Expert Systems, February 2022


Tribikram Pradhan, Prashant Kumar, Sukomal Pal CLAVER: An integrated framework of convolutional layer, bidirectional LSTM with attention mechanism based scholarly venue recommendation Information Sciences, June 2021

Tribikram Pradhan, Suchit Sahoo, Utkarsh Singh, Sukomal Pal A proactive decision support system for reviewer recommendation in academia Expert Systems with Applications, May 2021

Tribikram Pradhan, Chaitanya Bhatia, Prashant Kumar, Sukomal Pal A deep neural architecture based meta-review generation and final decision prediction of a scholarly article Neurocomputing, March 2021

Dinesh Kumar Prabhakar, Sukomal Pal, Chiranjeev Kumar Query Expansion for Transliterated Text Retrieval Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2021


A Saroj, Sukomal Pal USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT: A SURVEYInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction(IJDRR), April 2020

T Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, A multi-level fusion based decision support system for academic collaborator recommendation, Knowledge-Based Systems, February 2020


T Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, A hybrid personalized scholarly venue recommender system integrating social network analysis and contextual similarity, Future Generation Computer Systems, November 2019

T Pradhan, Sukomal Pal, CNAVER: A Content and Network-based Academic VEnue Recommender system, Knowledge-Based Systems, October 2019

P Verma, Sukomal Pal, H Om, A Comparative Analysis on Hindi and English Extractive Text Summarization, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP), Volume 18 Issue 3, June 2019, Article No. 30

A Kanapala, Sukomal Pal, R Pamula, Text summarization from legal documents: a survey, Artificial Intelligence Review 51(3): 371-402 (2019)


H Mehrotra and Sukomal Pal, IIT BHU at FIRE 2018 IRMiDis Track - Obtaining Factual Tweets during Natural Disasters., Conference: FIRE 2018: 10th meeting of Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation 2018At: DAIICT, Gujrat, India, Dec 2018

H Mehrotra and Sukomal Pal, IIT-BHU In TREC 2018 Incidents Stream Track., Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Text REtrieval Conference, {TREC} 2018, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 14-16, 2018

Anita Saroj, Rajesh kumar and Sukomal Pal, Rule based Event Extraction System from Newswires and Social Media Text in Indian Languages (EventXtract-IL) for English and Hindi Data, Conference: FIRE 2018: 10th meeting of Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation 2018At: DAIICT, Gujrat, India, Dec 2018

Akanksha Mishra, Rajesh kumar and Sukomal Pal, Language Independent Automatic Framework for Entity Extraction in Indian Languages, Conference: FIRE 2018: 10th meeting of Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation 2018At: DAIICT, Gujrat, India, Dec 2018

Dinesh Kumar Prabhakar and Sukomal Pal,A Survey on Transliterated Text Processing, Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science, (Online version available).

R. Soni and Sukomal Pal,Gold Standard Creation for Microblog Retrieval: Challenges of Completeness in IRMiDis 2017, Companion of the The Web Conference 2018 on The Web Conference 2018, 1639-1642.


A Kanapala, Sukomal Pal, R Pamula,Design of a meta search system for legal domain, Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2017

A Kanapala, Sukomal Pal, R Pamula,Text summarization from legal documents: a survey, Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-32

R. Soni and Sukomal Pal,Microblog Retrieval for Disaster Relief: How To Create Ground Truths?, SMERP@ ECIR, 42-51

H. Mehrotra, R. Soni, Sukomal Pal,IIT BHU at FIRE 2017 IRMiDis Track-Fully Automatic Approaches to Information Retrieval., FIRE (Working Notes), 59-60


R. Soni, Sukomal Pal,IIT BHU at FIRE 2016 Microblog Track: A Semi-automatic Microblog Retrieval System., FIRE (Working Notes), 74-75

M. Chakraborty, Sukomal Pal, R. Pramanik, C. R. Chowdary,Recent developments in social spam detection and combating techniques: A survey, Information Processing & Management 52 (6), 1053-1073

M. Niyogi, Sukomal Pal,IR-IITBHU at TREC 2016 Open Search Track: Retrieving documents using Divergence From Randomness model in Terrier, TREC

J. Kumar, S. S. Prasad,Sukomal Pal,IRISM@ NTCIR-12 Temporalia Task: Experiments with MaxEnt, Naive Bayes and Decision Tree Classifiers., NTCIR


SS Prasad, J Kumar, DK Prabhakar, Sukomal Pal,Sentiment classification: An approach for Indian language tweets using decision tree, International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration

R Pramanik, Sukomal Pal, M Chakraborty,What the user does not want?: query reformulation through term inclusion-exclusion, Proceedings of the Second ACM IKDD Conference on Data Sciences, 116-117

DK Prabhakar, Sukomal Pal,ISM@ FIRE-2015: Mixed Script Information Retrieval., FIRE Workshops, 55-58


DK Prabhakar, S Dubey, B Goel, Sukomal Pal,ISM@ FIRE-2014: Named Entity Recognition for Indian Languages, Proceedings of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, 98-102

A Kanapala, Sukomal Pal,Test collection for legal ir from online discussion forums, Proceedings of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, 126-129

P Yadav, Sukomal Pal, R Kumar, S Singh, H Singh,Popular Acronym Retrieval through Text Messaging, Proceedings of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, 142-145

R. Kumar, Sukomal Pal,Social Book Search Track: ISM@ INEX'14 Suggestion Task, CLEF (Working Notes), 521-524


A. Kanapala, Sukomal Pal,ISM@ FIRE-2013 Information Access in The Legal Domain, Post-Proceedings of the 4th and 5th Workshops of the Forum for Information

DK Prabhakar, Sukomal Pal,ISM@ FIRE-2013 Shared Task on Transliterated Search, Post-Proceedings of the 4th and 5th Workshops of the Forum for Information

Sukomal Pal,Sub-document level information retrieval: retrieval and evaluation, ACM SIGIR Forum 47 (1), 65-66

R Banerjee, Sukomal Pal,ISM@ FIRE-2011 bengali monolingual task: A frequency-based stemmer, Multilingual Information Access in South Asian Languages, 51-58


A Bandyopadhyay, Sukomal Pal, M Mitra, P Majumder, K Ghosh,Passage retrieval for tweet contextualization at INEX 2012, INEX 2012, 160


Sukomal Pal, P Tamrakar,Indian School of Mines at INEX 2011 Snippet Retrieval Task, International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval

Sukomal Pal, P Tamrakar,Indian school of mines, dhanbad at INEX 2011 snippet retrieval task, Copyright cс2011 remains with the author/owner (s).

S Palchowdhury, Sukomal Pal, M Mitra,Using negative information in search, Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT), 2011 Second

Sukomal Pal, M Mitra, J Kamps Evaluation effort, reliability and reusability in XML retrieval, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62


D Ganguly, J Leveling, GJF Jones, S Palchowdhury, Sukomal Pal, M Mitra,DCU and ISI@ INEX 2010: Adhoc and data-centric tracks, International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval

P Majumder, M Mitra, D Pal, A Bandyopadhyay, S Maiti, Sukomal Pal, D Modak,The FIRE 2008 evaluation exercise, ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 9 (3), 10

Sukomal Pal, M Mitra, S Maiti, Estimating Pool-depth on Per Query Basis., EVIA@ NTCIR, 2-6


IPM Best Paper Award

Honorable Mention from Elsevier, (with Manjit Chakraborty, Rahul Pramanik and C Rabindranath Chowdary)

Visiting Scientist
Sept, 2015 - Oct, 2015

University of Padova, Italy

Visiting Researcher

Invited at University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands


American Society for Information Science and Technology (with Mandar Mitra and Jaap Kamps)

Softwares Developed
PARTM: Popular Acronym Retrieval through Text Messaging

An online system in Java which searches for a given acronym in the English Wikipedia and provides its fullform alongwith a brief introduction in native language. The software is meant for users of low-cost mobile phones which have no internet facility and native language support and the users are not conversant inEnglish. The query corrects erroneous input and provides output transliterated text.


A Corpus-based language-independent stemmer written in C built on Apriori algorithm from Market Basket Data Analysis in Data Mining.


Assistant Professor
Feb 24, 2016 - Current

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Insititute of Technology (BHU)

Assistant Professor
Dec 13, 2010 - Feb 23, 2015

Indian Institute of Mines, Dhanbad

July 23, 2010 - Dec 11, 2010

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

Project-Linked Researcher (Category A)
April 17, 2007 - July 22, 2010

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit, Indian Statical Institute, Kolkata

Research Fellow
July 28, 2005 - April 16, 2007

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit, Indian Statical Institute, Kolkata

Assistant System Engineer
Sept 24, 1999 - Aug 07, 2003

Tata Consultancy Services, India


ISI, Kolkata
(Submitted 1 Feb, 2012, Defended 10 Sep,2012 )

Ph. D. (Computer Science)
Title of Thesis:Sub-document Level Information retrieval: Retrieval and Evaluation
Supervisor: Mandar Mitra
Reviewers: Ellen Voorhees, Tetsuya Sakai
External faculty in defense: Soumen Chakrabarti

ISI, Kolkata
2003 - 2005

M. Tech. (Computer Science)

IIEST (erstwhile Bengal Engineering College), Shibpur
1995 - 1999

B.E. (Electrical Engineering)